Dream On Productions Apps

App Trap 1.0
APP TRAP“Capture the face they won’t have to sketch”The smartest app out there! APP TRAP has features that just makesense in today’s world. Unfortunately, society must cope withcriminals who share the streets of our cities and neighborhoods.But if you or a family member have this incredibly powerful tool onyour smart phone, you will be able to immediately send a snapshot,or “mug shot” to a list of chosen family members and friends. Thedays of the police sketch artist can now be a thing of thepast!Dad, mom, big brother or sister, husband, wife, close friends oranyone else you feel would be ready to help can be on your contactlineup.The first screen option will “ARM” the app, taking the user to asecond screen which has 3 large, colored buttons.Green – SEND PHOTO w/GPS!This button will be used when the app user finds that she/ he is ina very dangerous situation, i.e., being approached by an uninvitedstranger with obvious intent to harm.If this button is activated, the smart phone’s camera will snap(always incorporating the flash) and INSTANTLY send the image alongwith a current GPS location to your list of recipients.Yellow – SEND STEALTH GPS!This option when selected will enable the app user to secretly sendout his or her exact GPS location without the perpetrator’sknowledge by simply holding the smart phone away from thestranger’s view.RED – CANCELThe app user has decided that the situation is no longer unsafe andback to normal. This “cancels” the app and returns it back to “ARM”screen. If either the Green or Yellow button is activated, the red“CANCEL” button will now read “DISARM”. When the app is disarmed,an “All is Clear!” text is sent to the recipients. A “DiversionScreen” is also incorporated to foil any suspicion by the offenderif the phone is snatched from the user.In a very serious scenario when a victim is forced into avehicle, as long as that person has possession of the smart phoneand APP TRAP is armed in the Send Stealth GPS or Send Photo w/GPSmode, a “moving GPS text” will be sent to the recipient list andupdated with current locations of that vehicle - as it travels.These signals are based on signal strength of the person’s serviceprovider and cannot be guaranteed regarding the number of updatesthat carrier and the user’s smart phone provides.However, your family and friends will call the police for you…when you can’t.It’s time to fight back with electronic technology and convictsociety’s thugs. Please tell your family and friends about APP TRAPand they too can help deter these senseless crimes.DISCLAIMER: Terms of Service and UseThe service, products and materials contained in this App site,including without limitation, text, graphics and links, are on an"as is" basis with no warranty to the maximum extent permitted bylaw. APP TRAP disclaims all representations and warranties, expressor implied, with respect to service, products and materials,including but not limited to the Smart Phone, Smart Phone camera,battery life, and/or battery charge level, server and Smart Phoneservice provider. APP TRAP further disclaims all warranties,merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, quality, quantityand freedom from computer viruses. You agree that APP TRAP is notliable for any damages of any kind for any reason arising out of orrelated to the use of the App. If you are dissatisfied with thisApp or any terms of use, your sole and exclusive remedy is todiscontinue using this App. You agree that APP TRAP is not liablefor any damages of any kind for any reason arising out of orrelated to the use of the App.Created by Denny Johnston and Larry RoloffDeveloped by David Zakariaie